
Powering the Future: Real Green Solutions to Future Power Problems

With the switch to electric vehicles, a growing population, and hotter summers followed by colder winters, there are going to be power problems in the future. Demand is beginning to outstrip supply, contributing to the escalating energy prices on utility bills. Renewables will play a big part, but they cannot do the job on their own. It’s going to take innovation and compromise to power our future.

Earth’s Wind and Fire

Source: architecturaldigest.com

The two power sources with the most potential on the planet are wind and solar. The heat and light from the sun are the earth’s ultimate power sources and solar panels are a scalable solution to renewable power for homes and businesses everywhere. Wind farms can generate huge volumes of electricity, enough to power entire towns and suburbs.

Though solar and wind operate on a fairly level playing field with other power sources, including the same regulatory and compliance demands, they struggle to be profitable. However, with cost-effective solutions to regulatory and non-governmental compliance standards, any type of power can be generated safely at a better price for power companies and consumers, including wind and solar. Check out this link for more information about compliance solutions in the power generation industry: https://radiangen.com/management-services/compliance-risk-management/.

The biggest problem both energy sources have is power storage. The sun shines bright, but not at night. For solar power to be more commercially viable, it needs to be stored efficiently so it can contribute to the power grid through the night when demand is higher. Battery tech is the obvious solution, but it’s an expensive one. Developing cheaper batteries for static power storage is key to making smaller-scale wind farms and full-scale solar arrays more profitable.

Honest Solutions to Real Problems

Source: nytimes.com

There is a quiet revolution happening in environmental circles. As more and more renewable power advocates have crunched the numbers and looked at the whole problem, their minds have changed. The truth is, renewables cannot provide us with all the power we need now or in the future. We can never be 100% green without discovering a new power source or developing new technology to use the ones we have much more efficiently. Many environmentalists and green energy advocates are now factoring in natural gas and even nuclear energy into their plans.

Source: princeton.edu

Both natural gas and nuclear power are low carbon. Nuclear power is a zero-emission power source, at least for carbon emissions. The construction requires a large release of carbon, but after that, they release only water vapor from their cooling towers. Their pollution is radioactive waste that needs to be stored securely for centuries if not thousands of years. There are still problems to be overcome.

Without a mix of low-carbon and zero-emission energy sources, the power demands of the future will not be met. Many communities and governments are going to have to accept that some carbon is going to have to be emitted to maintain our standards of living.

It Starts at Home

Source: assemblymag.com

Residential power demands are at the heart of our energy problems now, and that trend is going to continue into the future. Energy-efficient appliances, home power generation, and small-scale renewable storage can all combine to take a big strain off the national grid. Using less power is the easiest and most cost-effective way for consumers to do their part. Industries are implementing changes, but the average homeowner lags behind.

Upgrading home appliances to highly energy-efficient systems pays for itself over time, making them an investment rather than a cost. You can get your money back and then some. Heating, cooling, and cooking are the major power drains. Replacing them will cost, but the savings on the pocket and the planet make the investment make sense. For bigger returns from bigger investments, home solar power and battery storage can be a money spinner as well as a money saver.

Putting panels and small-scale storage battery systems together can turn your roof into a player on the power grid. Just like on larger-scale solar arrays, with batteries and smart software, you can harvest energy at home during the day and sell it when the price is high in the evening. This money gets credited to your utility, sometimes wiping out costs altogether. Live efficiently, and you could generate a profit in the summer months.

Source: fronius.com

Businesses, consumers, and governments are all going to have to pull together to achieve environmental goals while still providing the power we are going to need in an increasingly electric future. With smart uses of smart tech, compromises on carbon, and homes focused on finding ways to cut down on consumption, there is a way to have a greener and cleaner future powered by electricity.


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