
Using Third Party Lab Testing to Grow Your Business Empire

From medical experts to researchers and lawmakers, there appears to be a general consensus about cannabis products: they have many therapeutic benefits. Indeed, this is one of the reasons why the Farm Bill Amendments of 2018 were passed. Now, the soaring market implies that you have the perfect niche to grow into the big business you have always dream of.

However, growing in this fast-evolving market is proving a big challenge to many traders. Some manufacturers and suppliers have joined the market with the primary goal of raking the highest possible profits.

The effect is fast erosion of customer confidence because the products they get are no longer effective. In other cases, users have reported suffering from psychotic problems, cancer, and cell degeneration.

To build your business in the hemp industry, one of the best methods is using third party lab testing. This is an evaluation method that allows you to establish the components of the cannabis products. Here is a demonstration of how third party lab testing can help you to build a business empire in the hemp niche.

Use Third Party Lab Testing to Identify the Best Suppliers

For you to succeed in any business, you need to have a supplier who is committed to customer value. In the cannabis industry, some suppliers have resorted to using false information on the packaging to increase sales.

But you can know the right supplier by subjecting his products to third party laboratory testing.

The lab tests will reveal the content of the products so that you can compare them with what is written on the label. The right supplier is the one who provides the right information on the label. He should also be committed always to deliver high-quality cannabis products.

If you notice that the supplier provided the wrong information, it is time to continue searching for a more reliable dealer. Make sure also to note the manufacturers associated with the cannabis product supplier and avoid them too.

Identify and Stock Only High-Quality Products

When you subject cannabis products to further testing in a third party laboratory, the scientists do not just check the cannabis profile, but will also test for the presence of other harmful elements in the products. For example, do the products contain the following harmful elements?

  • Heavy metals: These elements are mainly absorbed into the cannabis plant’s tissues when still on the farm. They include lead, arsenic, and mercury, and are associated with severe cell structure damage in the human body.
  • Organic solvents: If organic solvents such as acetone and isobutene were used to extract cannabis products from the hemp plants, there is a danger of having some remnants in the final product. Note that testing for organic solvents will not be necessary if the manufacturer used advanced methods of extraction, such as supercritical CO2.
  • Bio-contaminants: Like other medical extracts, the risk of cannabis products getting contaminated with biological pathogens looms. These pathogens can get into the cannabis product when the plant is growing in the field or during processing. The third party laboratory you select will check the presence of common biological pathogens, including salmonella, E. coli, molds, and bacteria.
  • Insecticides: To increase the production of cannabis products in the field, most farmers use agrochemicals, especially insecticides, to keep the pests away. However, if the pesticides get into the body of the cannabis product user, there is a high risk of poisoning.

Use 3rd Party Lab Tests to Strengthen Your Brand

The primary goal of using 3rd party laboratories is establishing the quality of the cannabis products from suppliers. But you can use the information to build your brand and stand out from competitors.

  • Tell your clients that the products on your shelves or site are tested and proven to be the best. You can do this by providing the information from third party laboratories to the visitors coming to your website or store.
  • Demonstrate that your primary focus is customer value. When you make buyers feel valued, they will want to be associated with you. The effect of this will be repeat customers and more referrals to your store.
  • To make your brand more outstanding, ensure to furnish your customer support with the information about third party lab testing results for clarifications that clients and the potential customers might want. This way, most clients will be able to make the right decisions to buy from you.
  • Tailor your online marketing content based on the high quality standards of cannabis products on sale. Notably, most people looking forward to buying cannabis products start by digging more information online. So, this is a great opportunity to provide them with the right information about cannabis products and stand out.

Think of creating content and telling your buyers that they should always go for quality when selecting cannabis products. Go ahead and give them the bets tips to identify the best products, including checking whether they have been tested by an independent third party laboratory.

  • Build a community centered on the quality of your product. One interesting thing about the cannabis market is that a lot of stakeholders are very concerned about the poor quality of products on sale. However, there is always a silver lining in everything, and you can use the situation to shine.

Try to identify stakeholder, such as medical facilities, which are highly committed to quality and work with them to grow your brand. After demonstrating that you will do everything, including testing the cannabis products in a third party laboratory such as, they help to advance your brand by recommending it to their clients. Note that such arrangements also require you to also recommend their services.

If you have been in the hemp business for some time or you are just getting into it, the secret to success is offering quality products. So, make sure to identify the best third party testing laboratory to test your samples, and therefore help you pick the right products, supplier, and make the business more outstanding.


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