Passing the test to be a Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert could be very beneficial to your future and career. Especially if you become a CCIE Service Provider since it is one of those most distinguished certificates that come from Cisco. These things are is accepted everywhere around the world.
However, even the best sometimes fail this kind of exam. Doing the exam over and over again costs both time and money. So, is it really worth it to spend your time on this? Would the certificate really have a good enough impact on your life?
It is difficult to provide you with a straightforward answer to this question because the answer varies from person to person. You may or may not be good enough to pass that exam. Even if you are good, you may have trouble passing it.
To ease the decision-making process, I decided to write this article and talk about the benefits of a Service Provider certification, the reasons why you should get one, and a few tricks that could help you get it.
What kind of knowledge do you need

Like I mentioned previously, this is a distinguished achievement which means it is not given out so easily. People need to work for it to get it. You need a certain level of knowledge and the right set of skills to be good enough to pass the exam.
There are no requirements or prerequisites from Cisco to try yourself at this exam, but they do recommend an experience of at least five years in this sector. So, if you have dealt with optimizing and deploying service provider technologies, you will have higher chances of passing the test.
It is also recommended to have knowledge in segment routing, networking, architecture, and automation and assurance. Of course, your knowledge of networking will be the most useful, but if you are familiar with all the other topics, you may pass that two-hour exam.
But, that’s just the qualifying test.
To take the v5.0 test, you will need to do and know a lot more. This one is going to take around 8 hours, so it would be a good idea to know exactly which topics will be covered.
You should mostly focus on architectures and services, core routing and assurance, and automation. These are the three main topics. But, you will also meet some questions related to network security, fast convergence, etc.
If all of this seems overwhelming (and it should), maybe you should consider hiring professional help to get you through this.
Someone who would supply you with all the right study materials and workbooks which would make this whole process be so much easier. They would also tutor you for the exam. To get all of these benefits, it is easier just to hire services that can help with Spoto. They will provide you with all that is necessary.

Proves your mastery
If you can’t seem to find reasoning on why you should spend time and money on becoming a service provider approved by Cisco, you should know that with this certificate you have solidified your mastery. Every employer in the future will be certain of your skill, what you can do and achieve.
This is something that all employers are looking for. Even if you do not have a lot of experience in this sector, the certificate will ensure that the employers will pick you over any other candidate.
It opens many doors
It is no secret that most network engineers always aim to become better. Constantly training their skills and learning new things to progress their career further. Well, if you have such an ambition. To become better. To become one of the best service providers in your area, you should know that becoming a CCIE is essential.
That certificate will open up a lot of doors and opportunities for you. This is going to allow you to progress in any direction you want.
Do you want to become a team leader in the future? Do you want a position that’s even higher than that? To achieve that, you will need that certificate.
Yes, it does require a lot of investment in both time and money, but think about how much you would get in return. Not only will you be able to land considerably higher-paying jobs, but they would also be less time-demanding. Meaning you will have much more free time for yourself.
Potential for better paychecks

Already I mentioned several times that you could be making some serious money as a service provider. Even more, if you are certified by CISCO.
The average salary for a service provider in the USA is about $49,000 a year. That is about $4,000 a month. Keep in mind, this is just an average. Consider that there are some network engineers that are paid much lower than that which is what keeps the average low.
With a certificate, you are bound to be one of the better-paid engineers in the world. This means that your yearly salary could be around $60,000 or maybe even more.
A larger understanding of CISCO products

To pass an exam made by CISCO, it makes sense that you would need to be very familiar with their products and services. Without that knowledge, it is probably impossible to pass the test.
However, if you do, the understanding you will have of CISCO’s products is priceless. Their services and products are used all over the world. This is a fifty-billion-dollar company with over 75,000 employees. It is safe to say that CISCO networking hardware is the most spread out in the world.
In other words, many businesses and conglomerates will be looking for CISCO-based experts.
There aren’t many reasons why you should consider CCIE-Service Provider, but the above-mentioned reasons are more than enough to make anyone reconsider. Gives you bigger and better opportunities, it proves your expertise, mastery and provides you with better paychecks. It is a worthy investment.