
Home Cooking! Letting Out the Chef Within You

We have been in our homes for two years because of the pandemic. As we go on in our life in this new normal, some of us have a habit of ordering deliveries. Food from deliveries may sound convenient, especially when one is busy with work, spending quality time with the family, or playing online casino games using their earned casino bonus. However, ordering food outside could not only cost more, but usually have more sodium, sugars, or other unhealthy ingredients that can harm the body in the long run.

Some of us still know how to cook. But most of this generation are even afraid of boiling water using a pot and a stove. So let us see what we need and what you can buy depending on your living space.

Why Cook?


These days some people are dependent on food delivery services. Though most cooks are at home, the generations today are still getting into the habit of cooking. Some kits have a step-by-step guide, and everything is measured to make that “perfect dish.” However, this saps the enjoyment out of cooking.

Before, cooking simply relies on your taste and what you have in your pantry or fridge. Ingredient measurements are more of your preference in taste and volume, no weighing scales. Making something delicious out of some random stuff has a sense of accomplishment. Cooking is an adventure to embark on.

What to Invest On?

We are in the modern age where cookware is available. So aside from the stove and fridge, here are some you may need to help you with your cooking.


You may have a stove and fridge in your home, essential for a kitchen. But those two, though, are enough, may need some help from other gadgets to save time and money. Here are some suggested appliances you may have or need.

  • Electric kettle – to save stove space in boiling water for hot drinks or cooking.
  • Blender – versatile in puree and blending fruits and vegetables plus, if it has a spice grinder, you can grind black peppers or dried spices.
  • Mixer – to whip eggs for omelets and cream.

Those are just some appliances that could be indispensable to save you time. You could add many, but these are essential appliances that you may have one or two.



Pots for sauces and stew pans for frying and sauteing. Wooden spoons are excellent so that they won’t damage your pots. Knives and chopping board for cutting ingredients. Plates and bowls to put them. These are the things you may have but add a box grater for cheese, fruits, and vegetables.

It is crucial when you use them to observe cleanliness. Always wash your knife and board after cutting meat, also wash anything you use after you cook. Maintaining them clean and in good condition, you can pass them on to the next generation.

Dried and in Bulk

You now have the appliance and tools; you need to know what to buy as pantry staples. It depends on the culture and location. Buying in bulk is cheaper and can last a long time, especially dried goods. Beans and grains are good staples as a base for any meal. Hard cheese also is excellent for pasta and sauces as seasoning.

Pasta and flour are excellent pantry staples for Italian dishes and flour to make bread. Asians have rice as a staple and egg noodles for soups and stir fry.

Takeout Takeaways

Though you are cooking at home, you sometimes want something fast. These deliveries or going to fast-food chains have some condiments they give away. So don’t throw away those hot sauces, ketchup, chili flakes, sugars, and creamers from the coffee shop. These are portioned for a single serving, great for adding flavor.

Minute Meal Recipes

You have your staples and tools now; what to cook? Online there are a lot of fifteen-minute meals you can follow. These are easy and have simple ingredients, excellent for beginners. There are also cookbooks to study the techniques and upgrade your cooking.

Know the Rules So You Can Bend Them

You have tools and techniques; learning the basics is part of the fun. The real fun is trying to bend them and end with excellent results. There are many hacks in the kitchen that you can use online. All you need is to check your basics, make trial dishes, and have your signature dish.

It Involves Staying Healthy


Home cooking gives you control over what you eat. Eating fast-food every day is not a balanced diet, let alone healthy. By controlling the salt, sugar, and fat intake, especially when you get older. Knowing how to cook is a step to a better you. Together with regular exercise, you can stay healthy and live longer.

Depending on your activity, you can also go on a special diet like plant-based or high protein. If you can stop craving fast food, it’s a significant milestone. Being healthy is not always what you exert but what you put in your body.

Lessen Your Expenses and Trash

Cooking your meal is efficient and lessens your trash. Deliveries have the packaging, and after you eat the content, you have to dispose of it. When you do groceries and prepare your food, the less you collect packaging because you only buy once a week. The less trash and even recycling of some plastic bags make you help the environment in your little way.

Plus, your waste will be biodegradable. Biodegradable, you can put on plants to return the sustenance to nature.

Giving a Good Impression


Being a home cook is also an impressive talent. Home cooking is not a chore, but it is a tradition for some. Whether you live alone and cook a dish from where you are from, you will feel at home. To families, it is a way to bond the generations.

As a home cook, your creativity is your partner. You can create dishes or make your twist of a dish you know. Cooking is an art and is appreciated by everyone. So you may have a few dishes you knew from childhood or saw online, making it an inspiration to expand. Home cooking is a great hobby and part of enjoying life.


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