
The Smart Doorbell: Yet Another Way to Monitor Your Home

Let us begin this post with an obvious statement: a smart home is only as smart as the devices in it. What is less obvious is the fact that smart devices possess different levels of smartness. Take the smart doorbell. It represents yet another way to monitor your home via real-time video and audio. The smartest models allow for remote monitoring 24/7.

Ring was the first smart doorbell brand to make it to market. When their products were first introduced, smart doorbells were pretty much a novelty. But in the years since, they have become one of the most popular smart devices among American homeowners. Vivint Smart Home, a nationally known home security and home automation company explains why.

Convenience and Safety

Source: safehome.org

Vivint mentions convenience as one of the smart doorbell’s biggest draws. It is pretty convenient to find out who is standing at the front door without actually having to go answer it. You could be working in the den when someone rings the doorbell. You don’t have to get up and walk clear across the house to the front door. Just bring up your smart phone and check the video feed.

People with mobility issues may find this particular aspect the thing they most love about smart doorbells. Likewise for parents of small children and people who work from home. Not having to go answer the door is just a nice luxury.

The other side of the convenience coin is safety. In recent years, experts have increasingly warned consumers to not open their doors for people they don’t know. That is good advice. A smart doorbell eliminates the need to open the door at all. If you see someone on the other side of the camera that you don’t know, the door stays closed and locked. It is as simple as that.

Keeping the door closed and locked keeps you safer. In the event the person on the other side still tries to get in, a locked door slows him down. You have time to get on the phone and call the police.

Monitoring Is the Big Thing

Source: openpr.com

The ability to monitor a smart doorbell is really the big thing here. There are generally two ways to monitor a smart doorbell device:

1. Smart Home Hub

When a smart doorbell is part of a larger smart home system, the system’s hub acts as a monitoring point. The hub includes a video screen as well as onboard audio. The homeowner simply brings up the video feed on the hub to see who is on the other side of the door. Having a conversation via the onboard audio is also possible.

2. Smartphone App

The other monitoring option is via a smartphone and companion app. Smart doorbells sold as standalone devices come with apps developed by their manufacturers. The apps are generally compatible with both Android and iOS devices. Using the apps is simple. When the doorbell sounds, the homeowner pulls out his phone and taps the app icon. In mere seconds he is seeing a live video feed and engaging in a conversation with the visitor.

Remote Monitoring Is a Big Plus

Source: ama-assn.org

Monitoring from home, whether through a hub or a mobile app, is definitely one of the benefits smart doorbells offer. But what about remote monitoring? It is a big plus, too. Remote monitoring is one of the things that makes smart doorbells a good deterrent against property crimes.

It’s well known that burglars are averse to security systems. They don’t like monitoring alarms, video cameras, and other devices designed to thwart them. Burglars just want to get in and out without being detected. Anything that makes that more difficult is a deterrent. Enter smart doorbells.

Imagine a burglar approaching the front door of a house. This is fairly common, by the way. Front doors are the most utilized entry point for burglary. That being said, imagine that same front door equipped with a smart doorbell. As the burglar approaches, the homeowner gets an alert on his smartphone.

Bringing up an app gives the homeowner instant access to live video. He can use the app to greet the burglar via the onboard audio. Now the burglar faces a conundrum. He knows he is dealing with a smart doorbell. What he doesn’t know is the homeowner’s location. Is the homeowner on the other side of the door or a thousand miles away?

Planting a Seed of Doubt

Greeting the burglar through a smart doorbell equates to planting a seed of doubt in his mind. He has no idea what he is up against. If the homeowner is on the other side of the door, breaking in is a bad idea. But even if the homeowner isn’t home, the burglar’s presence has already been discovered. On top of that, the homeowner also has video footage that could be used to identify the burglar.

Seeds of doubt are fantastic deterrents. Get a burglar to doubt the chances of his success and he will turn and walk away. Few home security devices plant such seeds of doubt as well as an active smart doorbell.

A Good Entry-Level Device

Source: nytimes.com

It is safe to say that the smart doorbell is a popular smart home device. It makes a particularly good entry-level device for people who are just dipping their toes into the smart home pool. Smart doorbells are pretty easy to install and use as well. And when installed correctly, they are exceptionally good at what they do.

Fortunately for homeowners, wireless smart doorbells are an option. A wireless model runs on batteries and Wi-Fi. It doesn’t require tapping into a home’s electrical system. An ethernet connection to a local router isn’t required.

If you have been thinking about getting into the smart home market, consider starting with a smart doorbell. You can purchase one as a standalone device and monitor it with your phone. If you want to go all-in, include a smart doorbell with your full-home package. You will be happy you did.


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